CEP TELEFONU İLE FOTOĞRAF ÇEKME TEKNİKLERİ – “Taking Photographs With The Mobile During The Pandemic”
22 Kasım 2021 // 0 Yorum
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Ilgın Erarslan Yanmaz yürütücülüğündeki ‘Cep Telefonu İle Fotoğraf Çekimi’ atölyesine katılan eski İlerici Kadınlar Derneği üyesi, feminist +65 yaş kadınların pandemideki dünyalarına onların fotoğraflarıyla bakmak.
Pandeminin getirdiği yeni koşullara uyum sağlama süreci özellikle bazı yaş grupları için daha zor oldu. Eğitim, alışveriş, özlediklerimizle hasret giderme; iletişim kurma ve sosyalleşme ya da banka/fatura işlemleri gibi günlük hayatımızda kolaylıkla halledebildiğimiz rutinler, artan mesafe kuralları ve uygulanan yasaklar sebebiyle bizi teknolojiyi yoğun bir şekilde kullanmaya zorladı.
Türkiye’de, eğer çalışmıyorsa dışarı çıkma ve toplu taşıma araçlarını kullanma yasağı getirilen 65 yaş üstü hızlı bir şekilde izole olmaya başladı, yalnızlaştırıldı. Akrabalık ve komşuluk ilişkilerini, esnafla sohbeti, ev dışındaki hareketliliği çok önemseyen bu yaş grubu, çareyi akıllı telefonlar aracılığı ile görüntülü konuşma; sesli mesaj gönderme; internet üzerinden sipariş verme ve online atölyelere katılma, sosyal medyadan dünyayı takip etme gibi alanlarda teknolojinin sağladığı olanakları kullanabilmekte buldu. Bu teknolojilere erişimi olanlar şanslıydı, kullanabilmek ise bazıları için zorlu bir mücadele ile gerçekleşebildi.
“Cep Telefonu İle Fotoğraf Çekim Teknikleri Atölyesi”ni açmaya ilk karar verdiğimde ders programını 65 yaş üstü grubu için hazırladım. Amacım fotoğraflar aracılığıyla “yeni normal”de kısıtlanan hayatlarına yeni bir gözle bakarak ufak detayları yeniden anlamlandırmalarını, üreterek ve öğrenerek varoluşlarına yeni bir soluk sağlamaktı.
Varlığımda büyük emekleri olan İlerici Kadınlar Derneği’nden on üç kadın ile 14 Mart 2021 tarihinde Zoom üzerinden 6 hafta sürecek eğitime başladık. Hem kadın hem feminist, hem de 65 yaş üzeri olan bu kadınlar gençlik yıllarından beri bir arada durmaya özen gösterip, birbirlerine hem yoldaş hem de dost olmuşlardı. Zoom hepimiz için özlem giderdiğimiz bir platform oldu; dersler ise hepimizin birbirimizden bir şeyler öğrendiği keyifli saatlere dönüştü. Ödevlerdeki detaylar üzerine konuşmak, fotoğrafın diliyle kendimizi yeniden anlatmak bizi birbirimize bağlayan yeni bir köprü oldu.
Whatsapp, mail, wetransfer, telefon aplikasyonları arasındaki yoğun trafiğimiz sonucunda, “Pandemide Kadın Olmak” başlığı altında ortaya çıkan tüm fotoğrafları onlar çekti, düzenlemesini azimle onlar yaptı. Öğrenmek ve üretmek için gösterdikleri çaba için teşekkür ederim. Onların süreci değerlendirmelerinin hepimiz için çok kıymetli olduğunu düşünüyorum.
Daha fazla fotoğraf için bizi aşağıdaki platformlardan takip edebilirsiniz.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pandemidekadinolmak
”Önce şunu söylemeliyim ki, bu proje Corona’li zor günlerde moralimi yükselten bir aktivite oldu bana. Yıllar sonra öğrenci olmanın hallerini yaşadım, ödev derdi, oldu-olmadı telaşı, evin içinde güneşi kovalamacalar, tek düze gecen günlerime heyecan kattı. Cep telefonuyla da güzel fotoğraflar çekilebileceğini öğrendim. Kıymetli vaktini bıkmadan, üşenmeden bize sunan sevgili Ilgın’a , derslerdeki destekleri için IKD’li kız kardeşlerime sonsuz teşekkürler. Dersler bitse de ışığı takip etmeye devam edeceğim”
Ayşe Bircan
”Bu berbat dönemi, sevdiğim hobilerimi geliştirmek amacıyla kullanarak Ilgın’ın bize teklif ettiği cep telefonuyla fotoğraf çekme derslerine katıldım. Ilgın bu işi harika yapıyor, bu vesile ile bunu da belirtmek isterim.”
Berin Uyar
”Bütün bunların farkına elbette bir kurs ile varmadım ama Ilgın’ın bize sabırla verdiği fotoğraf kursu her şeyi tetikledi. Duygularımı, bakışımı, umutlarımı… Hayatın sürdürülebilir olduğunu hele de bir kadın olarak. Biz kadınlar, İKD’li kadınlar dokunamadık birbirimize ama her hafta sanal pencerelerden konuştuk. Onlarla hayatın ne kadar güzel ve değerli olduğunu bir kez daha anladım. Hepinize teşekkür.
Yani gördüğünüz gibi, salgın kötü ama en kötü koşulları bile istersen güzelliğe çevirebilip, güzel bakabiliyorsun. Bunu da öğretiyor hayat.”
Cemile Kuzu
”Çocukluğumdan gelen bir hobimdir fotoğraf çekmek. Köy enstitüsü mezunu öğretmenlerinden olan babamın boş zamanlarında boynuna takıp önüne gelen her şeyi çektiği fotoğraf makinası ile başladı ilgim. Sonra da çektiklerini evde kendisi tab ediyordu. Ama bizlerin karanlık odaya girmemize izin vermiyordu. 18 yaşıma geldiğimde ilk makinamı babam hediye etti. Arkasından kendi satın aldığım makinalarım oldu.
Cep telefonuyla resim çekmem daha çok pandemi günlerinde başladı diyebilirim ve sevgili Ilgın’ın bize gösterdiği tekniklerle daha şevkle çekmeye ve çevremdekilerle paylaşmaya başladım bilgilerimi. Önceleri telefonla fazla resim çekmezdim.”
Gül Meriç
Ayşe Bircan
Banu Eriş
Berin Uyar
Cemile Kuzu
Duygu Tuna
Füsun Coşkuner
Gül Meriç
Hale Önür
Semra Ulusoy
Tezer Toksarı
Ayşe Bircan
I am 67 years old. I am a retired Social Adviser. London
The last time I put on my glad rags and dolled myself up was for my friend’s birthday party in February, 2020. Since then, I have not dressed up nor have I put on a bra. But I have never gone out without my mask. When I lived in Istanbul, the street-vendors selling bras in open markets would shout ‘Caps for twins!’ That’s what reminded me; I named this diptych ‘Caps for Twins’ : Taken off – Put on.
Banu Eriş
Banu Eriş, I am from a city.
I love crowded streets, cafes, shop windows, cinemas, theatres, concerts, exhibitions and going to pubs and bars after the performance. All my life, I lived like that. Now I see that this lifestyle has led me to accummulate so many unnecessary things in my life. I now realise that having true friends was what I needed…. What a great need it was to be able to touch and to embrace those you love… How precious nature is. How valuable and necessary solitude and silence are to be able to listen to one’s inner voice… I am grateful to you, Covid; you have taught me a lot…!
Berin Uyar
I was born in 1950. I live between two countries, one foot in Istanbul and the other in Essen, Germany. I am a Lecturer in Turkish and Cultural Studies at the University of Duisburg and spend precious time with my students.
For them, I organised excursions, film and theatre activities, movie days and workshops on literature, photography and debates. I still continue with these activities.
Also I am a writer and a narrator. Without any doubt, Corona has also affected these activities. Presently, we conduct activities such as these as well as our lessons online.
And the worst of it all is to be stuck at home! This lockdown drives one to loneliness and withdrawal.
During the pandemic, we cannot go out much. One of the places I feel most comfortable to visit, one of the most solitary places is my husband Ertan’s grave – Ertan, whom I lost 20 years ago…
But in the last few weeks, it rained incessantly. I had to take my umbrella to go to the cemetery…
When I returned to the car I was soaking wet. I had to leave my umbrella and my shoes at my house door.
I thought that the red umbrella presented a metaphor both in colour and in meaning.
Cemile Kuzu
Financial Adviser
Do you know what Covid did to me?
You will never believe how many things I started to see, things that I always passed by but never saw.
Even my home looked different to me during this period.
I rediscovered my home.
I started chasing light.
Right up until today, I had not noticed how the evening light dived into my water jug…
How it danced with the water… How fascinating it was. My water jug that had been standing there forever took me back to my past, my childhood, my mother…
And the small round marbles… Marbles reflecting all the colours of my childhood…
Marbles and other treasured objects evoking memories which, in this terrible time of lockdown, warmed me and became my friends…
Duygu Tuna
Born in 1948. Retired.
I joined the Progressive Women’s Organisation one year after its inception and was active until it was closed down.
I still am sorry for the year I missed because I joined late.
Friendships and comradery for over 30 years are absolutely priceless for me.
Being in touch with friends, sharing things with them during the pandemic is like freeing yourself from depression.
Their children became our children, their grandchildren our grandchilden.
A photo of a friend’s grandchild put on our group list brightened our day.
In order to perk us up, one of our young friends (Ilgin) rolled up her sleeves and put on a series of photography sessions – “How to take photos”…
I thoroughly enjoyed those classes.
In short, the saving grace from the pandemic came from my PWO friends…
I have friends who absolutely transformed through this photography work.
As I was always indoors at home, I did not have many choices.
I created a series of balcony photos.
Clouds in the morning, sunsets in the evening.
I had birds coming to my balcony – crows, pigeons. A sparrow also came but flew away without posing for me…
When the crow built her nest in the plane tree in our street, it was still bare.
Now, all the plane trees in the street have leaves.
The trees have grown so much that they now cover the better part of the apartment blocks.
Füsun Coşkuner
My name is Füsun Coşkuner
When I decided to retire in February 2020, the counseling offered as one day a week was extremely pleasing.
The ensuing pandemic process gave me a chance to enjoy a pleasant home. Spending time with my cat, who has missed me so much for years, cooking by trying new recipes, flower care, traveling the world with online meetings, philosophy, yoga and literature meetings have been the center of my life. I had a pleasant time and I reflected some of them on the photo.
Gül Meriç
Born in 1957 and lives in Basel, Switzerland. Works as a translator in the areas of health, education and social issues.
“While we are trying to come to grips with the lockdown restrictions due to the pandemic, we miss many familiar things that are dear to us. On May Day, my heart was again filled with sorrow. When permission was granted to demonstrate in Basel, I eagerly joined the International Workers’ Day march. Carrying in my heart the longing of all my friends who could not celebrate May Day as they normally would, I chanted “Long Live May Day!” I wanted to show my feelings through my photographs.
The first photo illustrates people celebrating May Day.
My second photo shows a woman who cannot leave her house due to the pandemic but is determned to celebrate May Day in any circumstances.
Hale Önür
When we were hit by the pandemic, my dear mother was staying with me as my guest. Until the age of 93, she always wanted to stay in her own home and she managed it well. However, after one year, when the pandemic continued unabated and my mother’s physical abilities declined, we decided for her to close down her home and move in with me.
This shattered her deeply. Her red woolen blanket became her best friend, just like the “comfort blankets” children take everywhere, with one end trailing behind them… She filled the emptiness in her life with her soft red blanket…
Semra Ulusoy
Born in 1950. Lives in İzmir. Phycisist.
I was a member of the Progressive Women’s Organisation (1975-1980). I have always been part of the women’s movement. I worked in several projects. I participated in various activities and demonstrations.
For me, roads were to walk on, to chant and even to dance on. Now in the mountain village where we have retreated to ‘escape’ the pandemic, I continue walking, albeit on my own- my friends are far away. Snow flakes dance on the roads, birds sing the slogans… I carry on walking without losing my hope that one day everything will be just fine…
Tezer Toksarı
75 years old. Civil engineer.
There is an agave tree on our estate. Just as she was coming to the end of her 20 odd years of life, she flowered for the very first time. I was so happy to have witnessed this rather rare event, followed by the birth of another agave tree right opposite it …! Still during the pandemic, a beautiful rainbow, suddenly appearing in the sky, gave us all immense hope… Birth and death; hope, chagrin and struggle – all together
Being a Woman During the Pandemic
“Taking Photographs With The Mobile During The Pandemic” –
Adapting to the new conditions imposed by the pandemic was particularly difficult for certain age groups. Strict physical distancing rules and wide-ranging restrictions have forced us to use technology more to conduct routine activities such as education, shopping, visiting friends and family, communicating, socialising or banking and paying bills – actions we are used to carrying out without any difficulty in normal circumstances.
In Turkey, 65+ population were banned from going out and use public transport (unless they work!), so they soon became isolated and lonely. This age group greatly value their relationships with their families and neighbours. They like going out and chatting to local people and shopkeepers. So they found a way to redress their isolation by making use of new technologies – using their smart phones for video calls, sending voice messages, shopping on the internet, participating in meetings and workshops as well as following world affairs on social media. Those who had access to new technologies were lucky; others, however, had to struggle to gain access to social media and internet facilities.
When I first decided to set up the workshop entitled “Taking Photographs With Your Mobile During The Pandemic”, I prepared the course program for people over 65. My aim was to help them use photography to have a new look at their lives, now restricted under “the new normal”, and to make sense of small details – giving them a new lease of life by creating and learning.
On 14 March 2021, I started the 6-week workshop on zoom with these 13 women, all members of the Progressive Women’s Organisation of Turkey who had a great impact on my own development. They were all feminist women over 65 who keenly maintained contact since their university days. They were close friends and comrades. Zoom provided a platform for all of us where we could see and talk with each other. The sessions became joyous meetings where we learned from each other. Talking about the details on the homeworks and using the language of photography in expressing ourselves became a new bridge connecting us.
As a result of the ensuing traffic of WhatsApp messages, emails, webtransfers and telephone applications, a series of photographs came to life. We put them together under the title “Being a Woman During the Pandemic”. All the photographs were taken by these wonderful women; they also took great care to organise this exhibition. I thank them wholeheartedly for the effort they have put in for producing and learning. I believe that their assessment of the process is priceless for us all.
For more photos please follow
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pandemidekadinolmak
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